Tuesday March 3, 2020

If you’re telling yourself you need to train with better people you’re telling yourself the wrong story. Become the better person and bring the people you want with you!

Primer: 3 Position Clean + 9 Strict Press | 20s Dead Hang | 20s Hollow Hold

3 Position Clean + 9 Pause Push Press | 20s Dead Hang | 20s Hollow Hold

3 Position Clean + 9 Push Jerks | 20s Dead Hang | 20s Hollow Hold

Strength: 5x On The 2 Minute – Clean and Jerk
3 Position Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks
Start at 50% and climb to 65 ish %

WOD: AMRAP 7 “Bottom Line”

3 Clean and Jerk | 3 T2B
6 Clean and Jerk | 6 T2B
9 Clean and Jerk | 9 T2B
Add 3 reps to each movement until time cap

RX: 135/95
Performance: 115/85 | T2B Attempts
Fitness: @ 95/65 | Knee’s to Elbows
Fit Light: @ 75/55 | Knee’s to Chest

Bonus: AMRAP 7

1 Pausing Strict HSPU + 1 Strict HSPU + 1 Kipping HSPU +
1 Pausing Strict Pull Up + 1 Strict Pull Up + 1 Kipping Pull Up
Keep adding 1 Rep to each movement until time cap is reached