Primer: 3 Position Clean + 9 Strict Press | 20s Dead Hang | 20s Hollow Hold
3 Position Clean + 9 Pause Push Press | 20s Dead Hang | 20s Hollow Hold
3 Position Clean + 9 Push Jerks | 20s Dead Hang | 20s Hollow Hold
Strength: 5x On The 2 Minute – Clean and Jerk
3 Position Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks
Start at 50% and climb to 65 ish %
WOD: AMRAP 7 “Bottom Line”
3 Clean and Jerk | 3 T2B
6 Clean and Jerk | 6 T2B
9 Clean and Jerk | 9 T2B
Add 3 reps to each movement until time cap
RX: 135/95
Performance: 115/85 | T2B Attempts
Fitness: @ 95/65 | Knee’s to Elbows
Fit Light: @ 75/55 | Knee’s to Chest
Bonus: AMRAP 7
1 Pausing Strict HSPU + 1 Strict HSPU + 1 Kipping HSPU +
1 Pausing Strict Pull Up + 1 Strict Pull Up + 1 Kipping Pull Up
Keep adding 1 Rep to each movement until time cap is reached