Full heart, full commitment, full effort in wherever we go and whatever we do.
Primer: EMOM x 10
odd: 45s Row (building in pace)
even: Walk Outs | Active Spiderman | Shoulder Touches | Wall Walk | HSPU or Push Ups
Gymnastics: For Time with a 10 Min Time Cap
30 Strict HSPU
30 Kipping Deficit HSPU @ 4.5/3 inches
On the 0:00 and every 2 minutes 12/9 cal bike or row
Performance: 15 Strict HSPU | 30 Kipping HSPU | Every 2 Min 12/9 Cal Bike
Fitness: 30 Shoulder Touches | 10 Wall Walks | Every 2 min 12/9 Cal Row
Fitness Light: 30 DB Strict Press | 30 DB Push Press | Every 2 Min 12/9 Cal Row
WOD: For Time:
2K Row
Cash Out / Bonus: Midline Accumulate 1:30 in an L-sit every break complete 20s in HS Hold