Monday July 15, 2019

“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

Primer: 30s Wall Squats | 30s Warrior Squat | 30s Walk Outs |

20s Scap Pull Ups | 40s PVC Thrusters | 3 Jumping Squats
20s Strict Pull Ups | 40S Empty BB Thrusters | 3 Jumping Squats
20s Strict C2B | 40s Bottom Squat Front Rack Hold | 3 Jumping Squats
20s Strict Muscle Ups | 40s Bottom Squat Hold | 3 Jumping Squats

Strength: EMOM x 12
odd: 2 Front Squats @ 70% of Back Squat
even: 4 Back Squats @ 70% of Back Squat

WOD: Fran’s Complexity
3 Bar MU’s + 6 C2B + 9 Pull Ups
21 Thrusters @ 95/65
3 Bar MU’s + 6 C2B + 9 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters
3 Bar MU’s + 6 C2B + 9 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters

Performance: 9 C2B + 9 Pull Ups (each round) | 21-15-9 Thrusters @ 95/65
Fitness: 18 Pull Ups (each round) | 21-15-9 Thrusters @ 75/55
Fitness Light: 18 Ring Rows (each round) | 21-15-9 Thrusters @45/35

5x 2 Rope Climbs (1 Legless, one legs) | 50Ft Double DB Lunges (one arm OH, one arm shouldered)