Tuesday February 25, 2020

Coach Mike Wiesenthal­

“Write down anything that’s important because we need to see it to believe it.”

Primer: 5x 12 PVC Pass Throughs | 9 cal bike or row | 6 walk outs | 3 strict pull ups

Accumulate 60s in a HS Hold

Build to a moderate set of 3 touch and go power snatches

WOD: Black Rose – 5 Rounds On The 4 Minutes

50 Double Unders | 12 strict pull ups | 5 Power Snatches (climbing in weight)

*Score is slowest round

Performance: 50 Double Unders| 3 sets of strict pull ups | 5 power snatches

Fitness: 75 single Unders | Accumulate 20-40s hold above the rig | 5 power snatches

Fitness Light: 50 Single Under | 8-12 banded pull ups | 5 power snatches

bonus: 5x on the 90s – max effort deficit HSPU (1 set)

bike: 5 rounds 4 minute on | 1 min rest