Tuesday February 21, 2017

“The last thing you want to do is often the first thing you should do.”

A. Primer

1:30 of Double Unders, 1:30 Rest
1:00 of Double Unders, 1:00 Rest
:30 Sec of Double Unders

B. Back Squats

5×5 @ 75% Every 2 Minutes

15 Cleans @ 135/95
9 Burpees of Bar

12 Cleans @ 165/115
12 Burpees over bar

9 Cleans @ 185/135
15 Burpees over bar

then…. 2 Minute AMRAP T2B


5 x 30 Calorie Row, 90 seconds Rest

Warlock Weightlifting:

Technique Primer: Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×3
A. High-Hang Snatch – 3×2@75%, 3×2@75%+
B. Power Clean + Push Jerk – 75% x 2(1+1) x 3, 75%+ x 2(1+1) x 3
C. Snatch Pull – 93%x3, 98%x3, 103%x3, 85%x3
*+ sets can be taken heavier if you’re feeling good.

1.Back Extension – 3×15
2.Standing Plate Twist – 3×15/side
3.Weighted Plank – 3 x 10-30sec