Open Athletes: Today is your rest / recovery day. The Open workout will be streaming live Thursday at 8 PM at Warlock thanks to our sponsors Fuel4Life. Feel free to come in, hear the announcement and watch Brent Fikowski and Pat Vellner go head to head. The Open workout 17.1 will be on Friday starting at 5 pm. Bring your friends, family and let’s have some fun on Friday Night!
If you have not signed up yet visit
Affiliate: Warlock CrossFit
Team: Warlock Athletics
Open Athletes:
A. 20 Minutes of Mobility
B. Rowing / Bike
5 Minutes on the rower/bike at conversational pace, 5 Minutes Rest
4 Minutes on the rower/bike at conversational pace, 4 Minutes Rest
3 Minutes on the rower/bike at conversational pace,
Non Open Athletes:
A. 8×3 Front Squats
B. 3 RFT
50 Air Squats
30 KB Swings @ 53/35
20 Wallball @ 20/14
Warlock Weightlifting:
Technique Primer: Sots Press – 5, 4, 3 (ascending weights)
- Clean & Jerk – HS; (80% x (1+1), 85% x (1+1), 90% x (1+1)) x 2 (% of HS)
- Snatch – 70%x1, 75%x1, (80%x1, 85%x1, 90%x1) x 2
- Front Squat – 6×3@75%
Weighted Back Extension – 3×10
Weighted Sit-Up – 4 x max
Crunch – 3 x max