20 Banded Side Steps
20 Banded Forward / Backward Walks
10 Banded Glute Bridges
10 Banded Squats
60s Jumping Squats
60s Empty Barbell Strict Press
Front Squat Skills and Drills
5 Zombie Squats | 30s Burpees
5 Front Squats | 30s Sit Ups
5 Pause Front Squats (2s) | 30s Burpees
5 One ¼ Front Squats | 30s Sit Ups
3 Tempo Descent Front Squat (10s descent, no pause, fast up)
Ankle Rocks
Calf Stretch
Strength: Front Squat:
20 Minutes to find a Heavy Single
WOD: 21-15-9
Thrusters @ 95/65
Pull Ups
Pick a weight you can go unbroken with on the Thrusters.
Time Cap 7 Minutes
No Pull Ups:
Jumping Pull Ups
Kettlebell Swings
Bulletproof Shoulders: Fran Ish
Waiter Squats
Russian KB Swings