Tuesday December 24, 2019

“The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community” – Greg Glass-man

Today: Morning Classes
Dec 25 – Closed
Dec 26 – Open Gym from 7 – 10 am
Dec 27 – Normal Classes

The workout is just like when you sing the song. Do 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1 then 4-3-2-1 etc

WOD: 12 Days of Christmas – Teams of 2

1 KB Thruster @70/53
2 KB Snatches @70/53
3 KB Deadlifts @ 70/53
4 Burpees
5 T2B
6 Box jumps @ 24/20
8 KB Front Rack Lunges @ 70/53
9 KB Swings @ 70/53
10 V-Ups
11 Wallball @20/14
12 Cal Bike

*All Movements are Synchro. Box jumps are alternating. Cal Bike (one partner does 12 then the other partner does 12.)

Performance @53/35
Fitness @44/26 | Knee’s to Chest | Push Ups | Tuck Ups | WB @ 14/10
Fit Light 35/18 | Knee’s to Chest | Box Step Ups | Push Ups | Tuck Ups | WB @ 14/10

Non CrossFit Drop Ins – AMRAP 25 – Teams of 2
12 KB Swings @44/26
12 Goblet Squats @ 44/26
12 Burpees

Divide as needed

A. Max Set Unbroken Strict Ring Muscle Ups
B. For Time: 20% Unbroken RMU | 35% Unbroken RMU | 50% Unbroken RMU | 200 Double Unders | 50% Unbroken RMU | 35% Unbroken RMU | 20% Unbroken RMU
If you’re scaling go off of your Max C2B and Ring Dip Numbers. If not go off of your Max Pull Up | Push Up Numbers
C. For Time: 250 Ft HS Walk