Tuesday August 25, 2020

On Friday August 28 from 6 Pm – 9 pm we will be hosting a Memorial Friday Night Lights in honor of Bob. Bob always loved the Open, The Lift Off and really any community atmosphere event at Warlock. We will be honoring him with two team style workouts while social distancing.  Come workout, hang out, throw down and enjoy some adult beverages or high quality H2O. Whatever you prefer we would love for you to be a part of remembering Bob and working out in his honor. Even if you didn’t know him he would have loved for you to be there. 

“If we believe in a world in which we can feel inspired, safe and fulfilled every single day and if we believe that leaders are the ones who can deliver on that vision, then it is our collective responsibility to find, guide and support those who are committed to leading in a way that will more likely bring that vision to life.” – Simon Sinek

3 Rounds For Quality
60s Plank | 5 Scap Pull Ups + 5 Strict Pull Ups | 1 Minute Bike | 10 Spiderman and Reach 


27/21 Cal Bike | 27 Burpees  | 27 Chest to Bar or 27 KB Swings 

Rest 4 Minutes 

21/15 Cal Bike | 21 Burpees  | 21 Toes to bar  or 21 Knees to Chest

Rest 4 Minutes 

15/12 Cal Bike | 15 Burpees | 15 Pull Ups or 15 KB Swings

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
AMRAP 4 – 27/21 Cal Bike | 27 Top Up Burpees | 27 Russian KB Swings 
Rest 4 Minutes 
AMRAP 4 -21/15 Cal Bike | 21 Burpees | 21 Knees to Chest or V-Ups
Rest 4 Minutes 
AMRAP 4- 15/12 Cal Bike  | 15 Burpees | 15 Russian KB Swings 

AMRAP 4: 27 Jumping Lunges (each side) | 27 Burpees | 27 KB Swings
AMRAP 4: 21 Jumping Lunges (each side) | 21 Burpees | 21 V-Ups
AMRAP 4: 15 Jumping Lunges (each side) | 15 Burpees | 15 KB Swings