Tuesday April 18, 2017


“Success is never owned, it’s rented. And rent is due every day.”

A. Pause Back Squat – 1×3@60%, 1×3@65%x3, 3×3@70%

EMOM Min 1-5
:30 Second ME Calorie Row / Bike

EMOM Min 6-10
:30 Second ME KB Swings @ 70/53

EMOM Min 11-15
:30 Second ME Burpee Boxjump @ 24/20

*Score is total number of reps

Festivus Peeps:
2 Rounds:
Min 1: Burpees
Min 2: Goblet Squats (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Min 3: Kettlebell (KB) Swings (American) (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Min 4: Box Overs (24in male/20in female)
Min 5: Rest

Warlock Weightlifting:

Technique Primer: Tall Jerk + Push Jerk BNK in Split – 3 x (3+3) (light)

1. Pause Split Jerk + Split Jerk – (2+1)RM; 95%, 90% (% of RM)
2. Power Clean – 70%x3x5
3. Push Press BNK – 70%x5x4 (% of push press)