Thursday September 19, 2019

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are you would never think a negative thought.”

3 Rounds: 200M Run | 20s Hang | 10 Deadbugs | 10 DB High Pulls (each side)

60s Banded Lat Stretch (each side)

Weighted Strict Pull-ups
Build to a Heavy Single

Accumulate 60-100 Seconds Holding Above the Bar.
Accumulate 120-180 Seconds Hanging
In between each set 30-50 second Bike.

*Banded Pull ups are also an acceptable scaling option.

WOD: “Sleeping Bag”
4 Rounds:
10 Strict Pull-ups
200 Meter Run
30 AbMat Sit-ups
200 Meter Run with a plate @ 45/25

Scaled: 10 Banded Pull Ups or Ring Rows | 200M Run | 30 Sit Ups | Run with a 35/15 lb plate