Friday September 20, 2019

“The only difference between feedback and criticism, is how you hear it.” – Tim Grover

15s Pass Throughs | 60s Sit Ups | 30s Overhead Squats | 30s Banded Pull Apart | 30s OHS | 30s Narrow Grip OHS | 60s Good Mornings

3-4 x 5 Knee’s to Chest | 3 Pull Ups or C2B | 1 Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch

Gymnastics + Snatch
On The 1:30 x 7
4 T2B
3 Bar Muscle Ups
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Squat Snatch

(start at around 50% – Climb to around 80%)

Air Conditioning: On The 5 min x 4 Rounds
20 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts @ 70/50
20 Wallball @20/14
20/15 Cal Row

Performance: RX
Fitness: DB Deadlifts @ 50/35 | 15 WB @ 20/14 | 20/15 Cal Row
Fit Light: DB Deadlifts @35/20 | 20 WB @ 14/10 | 15/12 Cal Row

For Time:
25 Double Unders | 3 Deficit Kipping HSPU
50 Double Unders | 6 Deficit Kipping HSPU
75 Double Unders | 9 Deficit Kipping HSPU
100 Double Unders| 12 Deficit Kipping HSPU