Good luck to Marjorie, Erica and Brenn today as they take on the Gauntlet down in Miami @ Wodapalooza! Marjorie, Erica and Brenn go around 12 noon. We’ll make sure to stream it on Instagram @WarlockAthletics
“If you want the world to be brighter, you have to let more light in.”
Strength: Build to a heavy
Bench Press
Pendlay Row
WOD: 20.1 Practice: EMOM x 15
24 Double Unders
6 V-Ups
4 Front Rack DB Squats @ 50/35
Adjust the resp so you finish everything within the minute and can hold that pace for 15 rounds.
Scaled: 24 Single Unders | 6 tuck ups | 4 Front Rack DB Squats @ 35/20 | Feel free to use kettlebells