Sunday January 3, 2021

Make it a point to eat with different team members each week. The more time you spend with different team members, the more connected you become.

Primer: 8 Minutes For Quality
30s Dead Hang
10 DB High Pulls 
50 Ft Single Arm Overhead 

Boot Straps 
Lizard Pose
Calf Stretch 

Practice / Primer 2: EMOM x 8
Odd: 2 Single Arm DB Thrusters on Each Side

Even: Practice T2B | Double Unders or Triple Unders

WOD: 20.2 AMRAP 20 
4 Dumbbell Thrusters @ 50/35
6 T2B
24 Double Unders

4 Dumbbell Thrusters @ 35/20
6 Knee’s to Chest to Tuck Ups
24 Single Unders

BulletProof Shoulders:
4 Dumbbell FS
6 Knees to Chest
24 Double Unders