Sunday April 9, 2017


Festivus Practice: Click Here to read the full description for your events. We will break down the events to give you guys strategy and tips just like the open on how to be most efficient during these WODs to get the best possible score. This is also give you a feeling of what it is like to complete 3-4 WODs in a short period of time. If you can stay for both classes great!

10 am: Events 1 and 2

Event 1: 6 Minutes to Find a 1RM Clean

Event 2: 1 Minute at each station:
Goblet Squats (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Kettlebell (KB) Swings (American) (53lb/35lb – 44lb/26lb)
Box Overs (24in male/20in female)

11 am: Floater & Event 3 

Floater Event: 500M Row

Event 3
3A. With a 7 Minute Running Clock
Buy-In 30 Shoulder-to-Overhead* – 115/75 – 75/45
*10 Air-squat penalty every time the bar is dropped

Score 3A: Time to complete.

3B. AMRAP with the remaining time of:
3 Toes-to-Bar / Knees-to-Chest
3 Deadlifts, 205/145 – 165/115
6 Toes-to-Bar / Knees-to-Chest
6 Deadlifts, 205/145 – 165/115
9 Toes-to-Bar / Knees-to-Chest
9 Deadlifts, 205/145 – 165/115

*Athletes add 3 reps to each exercise for rounds completed with any remaining time (12, 15, 18 etc)