“The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.” – Greg Glassman
Strength: Front Squats
5x 1 Pause Front Squat + 1 Front Squat
Pause at parallel, pause at bottom, Pause at Parallel (1s pause at each)
WOD: Wrong Turn (Teams of 2)
9 Front Squats @ 165/115
14 Cal Row
5 Bar Muscle Ups
200M Run With Plate @ 45/35
Performance: 115/75 | 10 C2B
Fitness: 95/65 | 10 Pull Ups
Fit Light: 75/55 | 10 Ring Rows
Split Jerk 5x 1 Pause Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (2s pause in dip, 2s pause in Catch)