“No one gets better by being told what they do great all the time.” – Adrian Bozman
Primer: 7 Rounds Muscle Snatch + Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat + Hang Squat Snatch
Strength: Snatch 8×1 (build to around 90%)
WOD: “Double Vision” Teams of 3 – AMRAP 18
60 Cal Row While Partners complete 200 Double Unders
60 Synchro Bar Facing Burpees
60 Synchro T2B
60 Power Snatches @ 115/75 while 1 Partner Holds Barbell in Front Rack @115/75
Performance: @ 95/65
Fitness: 60 Cal Row | 400 Double Unders | Knee’s to Elbows | Barbells @ 75/55
Fitness Light: 60 Cal Row | 400 Double Unders | Knee’s to Chest | Snatch@ 65/45 | Front Rack Hold @ 75/55
10×45% of Max HSPU for time
10-1 Cal Bike and 50 Ft Yoke Carry
10-1 Cal Bike | GHDSU
FS – HS 3×3, 5@60%
Clean and Jerk 8×1 Up to 90 ish %
Turkish Get Ups 2×5 Per Side