Saturday June 22, 2019

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.” – David Oglivy

Strength: Build to a Heavy Thrusters (10 Minutes)

WOD: 2223
4 Rounds: 2 Min on / 1 Min off. Last round is 3 Minutes
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
9 KB Swings @53/35
Max Thrusters @ 95/65

*Score is total number of thrusters

Performance: 12 Pull Ups | 9 KBS @ 44/26 | Thrusters @ 75/55
Fitness: 12 Jumping Pull Ups | 9 KBS @ 44/26 | Thrusters @ 65/45
Fitness Light: 12 Ring Rows | 9 KBS @ 35/18 | Thrusters @ 45/35

Front Squat 3×3, 5@65%
Snatch 2@70 & 75%, 1 @ 80,85,90%. 2 @ 90%+
Clean and Jerk 2@70 & 75%, 1 @ 80,85,90% 2@ 90%+
Turkish Get Ups (side/reps) 5×2
For Time 10-8-6-4-2 Sandbag Cleans | 20 GHDSU in between each set of cleans