Saturday January 30, 2021

“Play! Play more. I feel like people are so serious, and it doesn’t take much for people to drop back into the wisdom of a childlike playfulness. If I had to prescribe two things to improve health and happiness in the world, it’d be movement and play.” – Jason Nemer

Primer: 7 Minutes For Quality
5 Box Jumps
5 Push Up to Down Dog
5 Barbell Bent Over Row
100M Row

Pigeon On Box
Cossack Squats

Purdy Thirty – AMRAP 22
30 Cal Row
30 Wallball or WB Thrusters @ 20/14
30 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20

Dumbbell Version
30 Burpees
30 Single DB Thrusters (2 Hands on DB)
30 Tuck Jumps

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
90 Mountain Climbers
30 Goblet SQuats
30 Lunges or Box Step ups 

No Equipment
90 Mount Climbers
30 Jumping Squats
30 Lunges