Saturday January 27, 2018

“Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success”

A. 10×1 Clean and Jerk

30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches @ 75/55

Bonus – Midline: 3 Rounds: 30 Second L Sit, 30 Shoot thru’s, 30 Sit Ups – 1-2 Minute Rest
Warlock Weightlifting:

A. BS 10 @ 60%, 8@65%, 8@70%, 8@75%
B. FS 5@60%, 5@65%, 2×5@70%
C. Snatch – on the minute – 70%x1x3, 73%x1x3, 76%x1x3, HS
D. Clean & Jerk – on the minute – 70%x1+1×3, 73%x1+1×3, 76%x1+1×3, HS
Midline: Barbell Roll Outs – 3 x max