Saturday February 22, 2020

Day two of Wodapalooza kicks off today. You guys can follow along on Instagram @WarlockAthletics or hop on Thanks for watching and cheering us on!

Running Warm Up +
3x 20s Dead Hang | 1 Wall Walk with Pause
3x 3 Strict Pull Ups + 6 Push Ups + 9 Air Squats
3x 3 Kipping Chest to Bar + 3 Kipping HSPU + 6 Lunges + Extend Arm Lizard Pose

WOD: “Tight Rope” – 5 Rounds
30 Shuttle Runs
8 Bar Muscle Ups
12 Kipping Deficit HSPU (4.5/3)
16 Alternating Pistols

*Time Cap 27 Minutes

Performance: 5/3 Bar Muscle Ups | 12 HSPU | 16 Alternating Pistols to a target
Fitness: 8 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups | 4 Wall Walks | 16 Alternating Lunges
Fit Light: 8 Burpee Jumping Pull Ups | 12 DB Push Press @ 35/20 | 16 Alternating Lunges

Bonus: 3x 50 ft KB Arm Overhead Carry (left then right) | 30s Side Plank (left then right) then max effort unbroken L Sit. 2 Minute rest btw Rounds