Saturday August 24, 2019

“The greatest respect a person can have is self respect” – Lou

Front Squats | Single Leg Box Step Ups | Bike
Push Press | Box Jumps | Bike
Thrusters | Burpees | Bike
Thrusters | Burpee Box Jumps | Bike

Strength: 15 Minutes to Build to a heavy set of 3 Front Squat

WOD: 4 Rounds:
Min 1: Thrusters @ 115/75
Min 2: Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20
Min 3: Cal Bike
Min 4: Rest

Score is total Reps

Performance @ 95/65 |
Fitness @ 75/55 |
Fitness Light @ 65/45 |

3/2 RMU + 1 Snatch EMOM x 15 (3 weight changes. On the 5, on the 10, on the 14)
Clean and Jerk EMOM x 12
EMOM x 14: odd: 50% Strict HSPU + 4 Kipping even: 15/12 Cal Row
For Time: 50 Back Ext | 50 Hip Ext | 50 GHDSU | 50 Sit Ups