“The problem is 98% of people are sitting on 50/50 their whole fucking life, which means their 0/0”
Primer: on the 90s x 5
Hang muscle Snatch + 2 power snatch + 3 OHS + 4 sots press
Remaining time mobility work or climb in weight.
Strength: 5 x hang power snatch + 2 power snatches + 3 Overhead Squats
WOD: Bartender 5 Rounds For Time
12 Deadlifts
6 Power Snatches
RX: 115/85
Performance: 95/75
Fitness: 75/55
Fit Light: 45/35
5x 75 unbroken double unders | 40% of max ring muscle ups
For Time: 800m Sled Drag @ 50% body weight. Rest 3 minutes 800m sled drag @ 25% of BW