Monday October 8, 2018

“In order to be number one, train like you’re number two.”

Click Here to watch Krysta’s interview before her Boston Qualifying Marathon Time.

Technique Primer
3-4 x Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch

A. 1 Snatch EMOM x 12

B. For Time: WODAPALOOZA Qualifier 1
150 Double Unders
60 Wallball @ 20/14 (10 Ft for male and female)
30 Chest to Bar Pull ups
150 Double Unders

*12 Minute Time Cap

Performance = RX
Fitness: 150 SU’s / 60 WB @14/10 (10/9 ft) / Pull ups / 150 Su’s
Fitness Light: 150 Single Unders / 60 WB @ 14/10/ Accumulate 30-60 Seconds above the bar or Ring Rows

A. Back Squats 7×2 (every set should be 5-10 lbs heavier then last week)
B. Snatch Pulls 3×2, 3×1