Monday March 5, 2018

Replace the word painful with uncomfortable. Painful is breaking a bone, stepping on a nail, losing a loved one. At best this is really uncomfortable, you can handle high levels of uncomfortable.

A. 18.2 – For Time
DB Squats @ 50/35 | 35/20
Bar Facing Burpees

Remaining Time within 12 Minutes: 1 RM Clean


10 Cal Bike / 15 Cal Row
15 C2B
10 Cal Bike / 15 Cal Row
15 Push Presses @ 95/65

RX & Performance – C2B | @95/65
Warlock Fitness – Pull ups | @75/55
Fitness Light – Jumping C2B | @65/45

Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Snatch (% of HS; work up past first HS if possible) – HS, 85%x1, 90%x1, 90%x1, HS
B. Snatch Pull – 85%x3, 90%x3, 95%x2, 98%x2, 101%x2, 104%x1, 107%x1, 110%x1
C. Back Squat (% of HS) – HS, 80%xMax reps