Monday March 29, 2021

Team work makes the dream work.

6 Minutes 
60s Row | 20 Shoulder Taps | 10 Air Squats | 5 Push Up to Down Dog

Directly into 4 Rounds on the every 90 – 
6 Strict Press (climbing)
15 Push Ups
*45 seconds to add more weight

500M ROW 
40 Thrusters @ 45/35
30 Alternating DB Snatches @ 70/50
20 V-Ups

If you qualified and are sitting in the top 10% of your age group or division from the CrossFit Open let’s replace the V-Ups with T2B

500M ROw | 400M Ski | .8 Mile Bike

Dumbbell Version:
500M Row
40 Single DB Thrusters
30 Alternating DB Snatches
20 V-Ups

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
500M Row 
40 Goblet SQuats
100 Ft OH DB Walk (each arm)
20 V-Ups

No Equipment:
400M Run
40 Jumping Squats
30 PVC Hang Pwr Snatches
20 V-Ups