Monday January 23, 2017


At Wodapalooza I had the opportunity to listen to Matt Chan chat about nutrition and building success. Here are his Five Habits to build success

  1. 4 Meals per day +1 if you workout. Meals are at least an hour apart and no longer than 4-5 hours apart. 4 Meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack at some point during the day. Post workout rules apply aka the extra meal.
  2. Have a schedule. Set yourself up for success by having a game plan with when you should be eating.
  3. Slow dow. Take your time to eat your meal. Make it last 15 – 20 Minutes
  4. Stop at 80%. When you’re 80% full that’s a good time to stop. Don’t eat till you hate yourself. It takes your body some time to realize you’re full, especially if you’re rushing while eating your food.
  5. Prep. (i’m going to ad lib a little because all I wrote down from the chat was prep. So you can interpret it how you want.) Prepare for your busy schedule. Don’t use a lack of preparation as your excuse.

A. 12 Minute EMOM
odd: 2 Snatches
even: 12 V Ups

B. 2 Rounds
AMRAP 3 – OHS @ 95/65
AMRAP 3 – Double Unders
AMRAP 3 – Bar Facing Burpees
3 Minute rest in between rounds

A. 20 Muscle Ups for Time
B. 5×10 Bench Press

Warlock Weightlifting: 

A. Snatch – 75%x2, 80%x1, 85%x1x3
B. Clean & Jerk – 75%x1+1, 80%x1+1, 85%x1+1
C. Clean Pull – 90% (of cln) x2, 95%x2x2
D. Back Squat – 75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x2x2