At Wodapalooza I had the opportunity to listen to Matt Chan chat about nutrition and building success. Here are his Five Habits to build success
- 4 Meals per day +1 if you workout. Meals are at least an hour apart and no longer than 4-5 hours apart. 4 Meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack at some point during the day. Post workout rules apply aka the extra meal.
- Have a schedule. Set yourself up for success by having a game plan with when you should be eating.
- Slow dow. Take your time to eat your meal. Make it last 15 – 20 Minutes
- Stop at 80%. When you’re 80% full that’s a good time to stop. Don’t eat till you hate yourself. It takes your body some time to realize you’re full, especially if you’re rushing while eating your food.
- Prep. (i’m going to ad lib a little because all I wrote down from the chat was prep. So you can interpret it how you want.) Prepare for your busy schedule. Don’t use a lack of preparation as your excuse.
A. 12 Minute EMOM
odd: 2 Snatches
even: 12 V Ups
B. 2 Rounds
AMRAP 3 – OHS @ 95/65
AMRAP 3 – Double Unders
AMRAP 3 – Bar Facing Burpees
3 Minute rest in between rounds
A. 20 Muscle Ups for Time
B. 5×10 Bench Press
Warlock Weightlifting:
A. Snatch – 75%x2, 80%x1, 85%x1x3
B. Clean & Jerk – 75%x1+1, 80%x1+1, 85%x1+1
C. Clean Pull – 90% (of cln) x2, 95%x2x2
D. Back Squat – 75%x3, 80%x2, 85%x2x2