Monday January 13, 2020

“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” – Les Brown

Primer: 3x 30s Walk Outs | 12 Deadbugs | 10 Tempo DB Squats | 8 Pausing Glute Bridges |

Strength: Back Squats
Wave 1: 4 @86% | 3 @92% | 2 @98%
Wave 2: 4 @92% | 3 @98% | 2 @104%
Wave 3: 4 @ 98% | 3@104% | 2 @110%

WOD: Air Fryer – AMRAP 12
20 Alternating Pistols
10 Clean and Jerks @ 155/105

Performance: 20 Pistols | 10 C&J @ 135/95
Fitness: 20 Alternating Lunges | 10 Clean and Jerks @ 115/75
Fit Light: 20 Air Squats | 10 Clean and Jerks @ 75/55

Bonus: Power Clean and Jerk Every 2 Min x 5: 3 Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk. Start at 65% and Build to Heavy Complex