Monday August 26, 2019

“Routine, in an intelligent person, is a sign of ambition” – W.H. Auden


5 x Muscle Snatch + Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat + Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch

in between each round 30s: Dead hang | Kipping | Knee’s to chest | knee’s to elbows | Pull Ups

Strength: 1 Power Snatch Every 30 seconds for 5 Minutes.

WOD: WZA 2 Modified – AMRAP 16
40 Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35
40 T2B
30 Burpees
30 C2B
20 DB Snatches @50/35
20 Bar Muscle Ups

Fit Light: DB Snatches @20/10 | Knee’s to Chest | Burpees | Ring Rows | Snatches @ 20/10 | Burpee Ring Rows
Fit: DB Snatches @25/15 | Knee’s to Elbows | Burpees | Jumping Pull Ups | Snatches @25/15 | Burpee Jumping Pull Ups
Performance: DB Snatches @35/20 | T2B Attempts | Burpees | Pull Ups | Snatches @ 35/25 | Burpee Chest to Bar

Back Squat 3RM | then 2×5@80% then Max Effort at 80%
Rack Pull: 1×3 1×4 1×5@85% plus Max Effort at 85%
GHDSU 3xMax Effort
Banded Lateral Walks 4x60s
Yoke Hold 5x35s HAF
400M Light Sled Walk w/ straps