Monday August 11, 2019

“Show me your routines, habits and rituals and I’ll show you your future”

200M Run | 5 Muscle Snatches + 5 Overhead Squats + 5 Snatch Balances (pvc) | 1 Rd of Strict Cindy
200M Run | 5 Muscle Snatches + 5 OHS + 5 Snatch Balances | 1 Rd of Strict Cindy
200M Run | 5 Power Snatches + 5 OHS + 5 Snatch Balances | 1 Rd of Cindy
200M Run | 5 Power Snatches + 5 OHS + 5 Snatch Balances | 1 Rd of Cindy

45s of Samson Stretch | 90s Spider man | 45s of Russian Baby Makers

WOD Prep: Alternating Efforts 3-4 Rds
3 Touch and Go Power Snatches (Climb above WOD weight) + 3-5 Reps of Pull up Practice

WOD: Twenty Something: 2 Rounds
20 C2B | 20 Power Snatches @ 115/75 | 20 C2B | Run 400M

* 20 Minute Time Cap

Performance: 15C2B | 20 Power Snatches @ 95/65 | 15 C2B | 400M Run
Fitness: 20 Pull Ups | 20 Power Snatches @ 75/55 | 20 Pull Ups | 400M Run
Fit Light: 20 Ring Rows | 20 Pwr Snatches @45/35 | 20 Ring Rows | 400M Run

A. Back Squats 3×3,2,1
B. EMOM x 14:
odd: 45% of Strict HSPU + 3-5 Kipping HSPU
even: 15/12 Cal Row