Monday April 3, 2017


“You don’t become a champion, and then start acting like a champion”

Congrats to Ryan for overcoming adversity during yesterdays weightlifting meet. He PR’ed his meet total by 3KG, hitting 90KG on the Snatch and 104KG on the Clean and Jerk. Nothing went as planned during this meet on the platform. Ryan missed his first lift at 86 KG. He regained his composure then came back to hit the next two snatches at 86 and 90KG. When he started his clean and jerk he missed his first attempt at 103kg. The next lifter was set to go at 115KG so Ryan had 2 minutes, then had to lift again. Ryan again regained his focus and composure to successfully complete his final two lifts after going back to back to back at 103 and 104KG. Awesome to see as a coach and spectator. If this was a year ago we may not have seen the same result from Ryan. Yesterday, Ryan told himself the right story and because of that was successful on the platform. He didn’t project, he didn’t feel sorry for himself. He stepped up and hit the lifts. He’s a better competitor after handling that type of adversity on a big stage. The picture above is awesome and captures so much more than you guys see. You can see the intensity, the fierceness and level of focus on his face from the picture above. Now you know the story that goes behind that intensity. I hope you bring that same level of focus to your training every single day. Congrats Ryan on a great meet, awesome job representing Warlock!

A.Snatch Deadlift + High Hang Snatch + Snatch
5 Sets @ 70-75%

3 Rounds
30 Double Unders
25 Wall Ball @ 20/14
20 KB Swings @ 70/44
15 T2B
10 Burpees
5 Muscle Ups
90 Seconds Rest between rounds

3 Rounds 20 Cal Bike, 20 Cal Row

Warlock Weightlifting:
Power Clean + Power Jerk + Clean + Jerk – 60% x 1+1+1+1, 70% x 1+1+1+1, 75% x 1+1+1+1 x 3
Clean High-Pull – 70%x3x3
Back Squat – 60%x6, 6%x4, 60%x3, 65%x6, 65%x4, 65%x2, 70%x6, 70%x4, 70%x2
Weighted Planks – 3 x 30sec