“That inner coach is important. Imagine what you’re saying to yourself is being projected over the speakers. Would you be proud of what you were saying?”
A. “Fire and Ice” – For Time:
15 Muscle Ups
150 Double Unders
30 Squat Snatches @ 155/105
150 Double Unders
15 Muscle Ups
*Time Cap 20 minutes
Performance: Bar Muscle Ups | @ 135/95
Fitness: Burpee C2B | 300 Single Unders | @ 115/75
Fitness Light: Burpee Pull Ups | 300 Single Unders @ 95/65
*Bonus – Best before the metcon*
A. Technique Primer: 3×3 Pause Split Jerk
B. Split Jerk 7×1