Friday October 12, 2018

“That inner coach is important. Imagine what you’re saying to yourself is being projected over the speakers. Would you be proud of what you were saying?”

A. “Fire and Ice” – For Time:
15 Muscle Ups
150 Double Unders
30 Squat Snatches @ 155/105
150 Double Unders
15 Muscle Ups

*Time Cap 20 minutes

Performance: Bar Muscle Ups | @ 135/95
Fitness: Burpee C2B | 300 Single Unders | @ 115/75
Fitness Light: Burpee Pull Ups | 300 Single Unders @ 95/65

*Bonus – Best before the metcon*
A. Technique Primer: 3×3 Pause Split Jerk
B. Split Jerk 7×1