“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is the definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and the burning desire to possess it.” – Napoleon Hill
4x20s Work / 10s rest – High Knee’s
4x20s Work / 10s rest – Butt Kickers
4x20s Work / 10s rest – Air Squats
30s inch worms
60s seated pike stretch
30s inch worms
30s Arch Hold | 30 second Plank
60s reverse shoulder stretch
30s walking lunges
10 PVC Pass Throughs (eagle grip)
60 second wall shoulder stretch
A. Elevated Ring Rows 6x 30s work: 30s rest
RX: Feet on box at shoulder level. Scaled: feet on floor. Score is reps
B. Strict Static support dips 6x 30s work: 30s rest
Scaled – leg assist box dips
WOD: Haymaker – 21-15-9
Thrusters @ 95/65
400M Run
Front Squat 1 @ 70% (no belt)
Strict Pull Ups – Perform 40% of your best max effort ring Pull Ups every 40 seconds until failure (scaled leg assisted pull ups)
AMRAP 3 – Nine Count Push Ups (Scaling do the nine count push ups on your knees)
Hollow Rocks – Accumulate 100-120 in sets of 15-30. Rest as needed between sets. (Scaling bed your knees a little)