The “Zero-Sum” mindset is when one looks at others who have accomplished “X” and thinks: Why them? Why isn’t it me? The other, “Non-Zero Sum”, looks at those same people and accomplishments and has a different approach: If they can do it, so can I.
Primer / Technique : 7 Rounds – 3 with PVC | 4 with BB (add weight as needed)
Muscle Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance + Hang Squat Snatch | 1 Wall Wall
Strength: Snatch 7×1
WOD: AMRAP 5 x 2
10 Power Snatches @ 135/95
12 Strict HSPU
Rest 3 minutes rest between AMRAPs
Performance: @115/75 | Strict Elevated HSPU
Fitness @ 115/75 | DB Push Press @50/35
Fitness Light: @95/65 | DB Push Press @ 35/20
Front Squat – Heavy Single
Clean 3×2@70, 3×1@75, 3×1@80%
1 Legged / 1 Arm Contralateral DB RDL 3×8 Per leg
4 Rounds: 25 Cal Row | 25 Unbroken Wallball @ 20/14 – Rest 90s between rounds