“If you want to be truly successful at it, you cannot be content with pretty good.” – Tim Grover
Primer 2 Rounds: 7 Tempo KB Deadlifts | 7 Seated Box Jumps | 30s Pole Prying |
Strength: 1 Front Squat EMOM x 9
W1: 84, 87, 90%
W2: 87,90,93%
W3: 90,93,96
WOD: “Hail Mary – AMRAP 16
75 Cal Row
60 DB Snatches @ 50/35
45 T2B
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Bar Muscle Ups
Performance: 15 C2B + 15 Ring Dips
Fitness: 60/45 Cal Row DB Snatches @ 35/20 | T2B Attempts | Burpee Box Step Overs | 15 Pull Ups + 15 Push Ups
Fit Light: 60/45 Cal Row DB Snatches @ 25/15 | Knee’s to Chest | Burpee Box Step Overs |15 Ring Rows + 15 Push Ups
Bonus: 3x 50 Single Arm OH DB Walking Lunges (left then right) 50 Ft Broad Jumps – 90s Rest btw rounds