Friday February 2, 2018

“Be willing to put in the hard work”

We’re excited for this year’s Open! For those of you that don’t know what the Open is; CrossFit Headquarters announces one workout every week for five weeks. Every Friday night we will throw down as a community from 5:30 till whenever all the heats are finished! We have sponsors, prizes, awards and so much more lined up. This serves as a great measuring stick for every CrossFitter and is an fun community based event to help everyone grow as an athlete and as a person. Click Here to register. Our affiliate is “Warlock CrossFit”. our Team “Warlock Athletics 2018”

A. 7x 1 Pause Front Squat

B.Warlock RX / Performance
1000M Row
50 Burpee over Bar (Must Jump Up and Down)
30 Power Cleans @ 135/95

Warlock Fitness
1000M Row
50 Burpees over Bar
30 Power Cleans @ 115/75

Warlock Fitness Light
1000M Row
50 Burpees over Bar
30 Power Cleans @ 95/65

1. For Time: 5 Rounds: 10 HSPU, 10 FS @ 165/115, 10 C2B
2. Midline: 3 Rounds: 10 BB Roll outs, 20 Second L-Sit, 30 Second Hollow Hold

Warlock Weightlifting: Improvement Day