Friday August 14, 2020

“Pretty good is the enemy of excellent.” 

Primer: 2 Rounds: Bike 30s easy, 20s Moderate, 10s hard
Then 1 Rounds: 5 Inch Worms to Push Ups | 10 Banded Pull Aparts | 20 Alternating Plank Shoulder Taps |

Strength: Build to a moderately heavy double power clean. 

WOD: Chipper Conditioning: For Time
70/50 Cal Bike
50 V-Ups 
30 Power Cleans @ 205/145
15 Bar Muscle Ups 

*Time Cap 17 Minutes

No Muscle Ups: 
70/50 Cal Bike or 100/70 Cal Row 
50 V-Ups 
30 Power Cleans @ 70% of your heavy Power Clean
15 Devil Presses @ 50/35 or 45 Chest to Bar 

Bulletproof Shoulder: For Quality
70/50 Cal Bike
50 V-Ups 
30 Tempo Deadlifts
100 Ft Dumbbell Bear Crawl @ 50/35

1200M Run
50 V-Ups 
50 Burpees
20 Inverted Burpees