“If you have a high level of resiliency, patience, dedication, humility and hungrer then you can start to follow “the process”. When character and the process are both in place, the results will take care of themselves.”
2 Minute Row | 2 Strict Rounds of Cindy
1 Minute Row | 30 Sec Walk Out | 30 Sec Samson Stretch
1 Minute Row | 1 Minute Warrior Squat
Skills: Tabata
odd: Plate Transfer Drill
even: Hollow to Arch + V-Up
Strength: AMRAP 2
3 KBS + 25 FT HS Walk
6 KBS + 25 Ft HS Walks
9 KBS + 25 ft HS Walk etc
rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP 3 – Repeat Above
RX @ 70/53 | Performance @ 53/35 | Fitness @ 44/26 | Fit Light @ 35/18
24 Cal Row
21 Thrusters @ 75/55
18 DB Snatches @ 70/50
15 Lateral Burpees Over Dumbbell
Performance @ 75/55 | DB @ 50/35
Fitness @ 75/55 | DB 35/20
Fit Light @ 45/35 | DB @ 35/20
30-20-10 – GHDSU | 15-10-5 Sandbag Cleans @150/100
5 Minute Rest
30-20-10 – Cal Bike | 100M Sandbag Carry after each Round