18.2 & 18.3 Warlock Intramural Score Update

Other teams caught sleeping as One Snatch + Two Jerks takes commanding lead after stellar performance on 18.2 and 18.3!

Mother Thrusters – 77
Just the Kip – 94
One Snatch + Two jerks – 127
Booty and the Beast – 89

18.2 Spirit Points – Mother Thrusters – 1, Just the Kip – 3, One Snatch + Two Jerks – 5, Booty and the Beast 2

18.3 Spirit Points – Mother Thrusters – 2, Just The Kip – 1, One Snatch + Two Jerks – 3, Booty and the Beast 4

18.2 Performance of the Week (3 points) – Josh, Sara
18.2A Performance of the Week (3 points) – Christa, Lewis
18.3 Performance of the Week (3 points) – Sally, Ashley, Keith

18.2 (points)
RX – Erik, Josh, Keith, Cristy, Ashley, Kelly
Scaled – Jamie, Gray, Carlos, Kathy, Abbie, Debbie

RX – Kyle, Erik, Keith, LewAnn, Cristy, Jules
Scaled – Gary, Tim, Eric, Randi, Michelle, Dawn

RX- Ashley, Cristy, Jules, Keith, Mario, Ryan
Scaled – Karen, Sue, Dr Stephanie, Matt, Poole, Jose