Wednesday January 20, 2021

“Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.”

Hey Warlock Community!

You have two online classes tomorrow at 9 am and 5 pm. You can sign up in Mindbody and access everything from your phone!

     Today, Tuesday January 19 we were notified of one person who tested positive for COVID-19 and were in the facility on Saturday January 16. If you were exposed by that member during class you have been contacted. Since all of our spaces in Warlock undergo daily cleaning in accordance with the CDC guidelines, we will remain open.  We have consulted with two different doctors in the Hudson River Valley, explained the details, and they agree with our decision. We will be continuing with our running theme during tomorrow’s wod. You are welcome to walk instead of run. I will continue to steer you away from replacement of the bike and rowers in place of running and steer you towards walking or burpees. Please continue to dress warm the doors will be open along with hand warmers, gloves, mittens, smiles are highly encouraged if needed. I know this is not ideal, please make the best of this situation and see it as an opportunity to work on weaknesses. 

I encourage all of you to remain vigilant about COVID-related symptoms. If you believe that you or someone in your family has been exposed to COVID, please keep them at home and consult with your physician about the need for a test. Please realize by checking in for class you have affirmed that you are not experiencing any COVID symptoms within the past 14 days and are complying with the signs hanging up in the facility. 

For the immediate future please do the following when at the gym: 
When you come in please go to your box. The workouts are designed so you don’t need to leave or it is all designed for outside. 
Masks must be worn.
When you use the bathroom please spray down the handles, door etc
Please do not do bonus work while other classes are going on. 

Working Out At Home: 
That’s cool by us. We’re going to give you a few options: 
We will start to stream some of the classes using the mindbody platform for online classes.
At Home workouts in Healthie (still can access programming)

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me personally 845.625.3018 or if it’s in regards to memberships. Thanks team! Let’s keep everyone Healthy, Well and Fit!

2 Rounds:  400M Run | 60s Cossack Squats | 60s High Knees and Butt Kickers In Place

4 Rounds:  200M Run | 60s Floor Sweeps 

6 Rounds:  100M Run Fast | 100M Slow (in a 400M Loop)

Bow and Bend
Up Dog to Push Up

1000M Run
AMRAP KB or DB Macho Man 

3 Hang KB or DB Cleans
3 KB or DB Front Squats
3 KB or DB Shoulder to OH

1 KB or 1 Dumbbell @ 53/35

You will be outside. Dress Warm

At Home Dumbbell Version
DB Version AMRAP 10
75 Burpees (buy in) 
KB or DB Macho Man

Double DB @ 35/20 or 
Double KB @ 35/18

Bulletproof Shoulders
200 Mountain Climbers (buy in)
5 Double KB DL
5 Double KB Russian Swings
10 Tuck Ups

75 Burpees
50 Good Mornings
25 Jumping Squats

*Do the good mornings and squats with intensity!