Wednesday February 28, 2024

“Once you are exercising regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it.” – Erin Gray

Warm Up: 
3 sets:
:20 alternating Spiderman stretches
:20 up-downs
:20 PVC pass-throughs

:30 rest

3 sets:
:20 air squats
:20 burpees
:20 PVC shoulder presses

Specific Warm-Up:
4 sets:
Every 2 minutes:
1-2 clean and jerks

Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds:
1 clean and jerk

Same as Rx

Every 2 minutes for 10 rounds:
2 clean and jerks

Home Workout: 
10 unbroken sets for time:
5 dumbbell deadlifts (35/50 lb)
5 dumbbell hang power cleans
5 dumbbell push jerks
– Complete each set of 15 reps without putting the dumbbells down.
– Use two dumbbells.

Movement scaling options:
Clean and jerk: Load, power clean and push press, dumbbell clean and jerk

Cool down:
30 reach-roll-lifts
50 banded lat pull downs