Warm Up:
3 sets:
5 PVC pass throughs
6 alternating PVC overhead lunges
5 PVC good mornings
6 PVC overhead squats
– Hold the bottom of each good morning and squat for a 1 second pause.
3 rounds for time:
4 rope climbs
12 GHD sit-ups
16 single-leg squats
Intended Stimulus: 7-12 Minutes
3 rounds for time:
2 rope climbs
12 GHD sit-ups to parallel
16 single-leg squats to a target (16 in)
3 rounds for time:
4 pull-to-stands
12 sit-ups
16 alternating reverse lunges
Home Workout:
3 rounds for time:
8 man makers (35/50 lb)
12 weighted sit-ups (15/20 lb)
16 single-leg squats
Movement scaling options:
Rope climb: Reps, pull-to-stands
GHD sit-up: GHD sit-ups to parallel, sit-ups
Single leg squat: Foot-wrapped single-leg squats, step-ups, step-back lunges
Post-Workout Skill Work:
50 GHD hip extensions