Wednesday December 21, 2022

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” -Jim Ryun 

Warm Up: 
1 set:
10 alternating Samson stretch
10 up-downs over the barbell
10 alternating Scorpion stretch
10 up-down over the barbell
1 set:
10 box step overs
10 good mornings (empty barbell)
5 burpee box overs
10 overhead squats
1 set:
5 DB burpee box overs
10 deadlifts (empty barbell)
10 bent-over rows
10 overhead squats

Loading Up and Test Run:

5 sets:
3 overhead squats
3 deadlifts

Test run | 6:00
1 set:
4 DB burpee box overs
4 deadlifts
4 overhead squats
2 ring muscle-ups

For time:
15 DB burpee box overs (35/50 lb) (20/24 in)
15 deadlifts (205/315 lb)
15 overhead squats (135/205 lbs)
15 ring muscle-ups
– Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs

Intended Stimulus: 10-15 Minutes

For time:
15 DB burpee box overs (20/35 lb) (20 in)
15 deadlifts (125/185 lb)
15 overhead squats (75/115 lbs)
15 jumping ring muscle-ups
– Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs

For time:
15 DB burpee box overs (10/15 lb) (12/20 in)
15 deadlifts (75/115 lb)
15 overhead squats (35/45 lbs)
15 low-ring muscle-ups
– Use two DBs for the DB burpee box overs

For time:
15 DB burpee object step-ups or step-overs
30 deficit DB deadlifts
15 single-arm DB overhead squats/arm
15 burpee broad jumps (4 ft)
– Use two DBs for the burpee object step-ups/step-overs and the deadlifts.

For time:
15 weighted clean burpees
15 weighted single-leg squats/leg
15 weighted single-arm overhead squats/arm
15 burpee broad jumps (4 ft)
– Perform all reps of the single arm and single leg movements on one side before switching to the second side.
– For the clean burpees, perform a burpee, lift an object up over a target, and then traverse the target.

Movement scaling options:
DB burpee box overs: Load, height, DB up-down + box step overs, DB burpee + lunge
Deadlift: Load, range of motion, KB deadlift
Overhead squat: Load, front squat, back squat
Ring muscle-up: Reps (no less than 10), jumping ring muscle-ups, burpee pull-ups, low ring muscle-up transitions

Alternate Workout:
For time:
15 DB burpee box overs (35/50 lb) (20/24 in)
15 deadlifts (205/315 lb)
15 overhead squats (135/205 lbs)
15 burpee CTB pull-ups
– Use one DB for the DB burpee box overs

Post-Workout Skill Work: 
2 sets:
:30 pigeon stretch/leg
:30 couch stretch/leg