Wednesday September 2, 2020

“Things will not fit nicely into a box and they will not go as planned. Realize that those are some of your greatest opportunities for growth and learning.” 

Rd 1 – 30s Hang | 30s Strict Press | 30s FS | 30s Bike 
Rd 2- 30s Arch to hollow | 30s Push Press | 30s FS | 30s Bike
Rd 3 – 30s Knee’s To Elbows | 30s Push Jerk | 30s Front Squat | 30s Bike

Thrusters Ladder:  21 Thrusters @ 115/85  |Rest 1 Minute
18 Thrusters @ 135/95 | Rest 1 Minute
15 Thrusters @ 155/105

Bulletproof Shoulders: 
21 – 18 – 15 Sandbag Squats

WOD: “Treasure Chest” – 3 Rounds For Time: 
30 T2B
20 Push Jerks @ 135/95
20/15 Cal Bike

Bulletproof Shoulders:  3 Rounds
30 V-Ups or Tuck Ups 
20 Tempo DB High Pulls Per Side 
20/15 Cal Bike

Bodyweight Version:  3 Rounds
30 V-Ups
20 Deficit HSPU
400M Run

T2B:  Max Reps in 2 Minutes  | Reduce Reps | Toe To Bar Attempts | Knee’s to Elbows | Knee’s to Chest | GHDSU 

Assault Bike: 25/20 Cal Row | 400M Run