Tuesday March 1, 2022

“Greatness only comes before grind in the dictionary.” -Anonymous

Warm Up: 
3 sets
:20 double knee tucks in a plank
Rest :10
:20 jumping jacks
Rest :10

Specific Warm-Up:
1 set:
3-5 box jumps
3-5 jumping pull-ups
3-5 KB swings
3-5 walking-lunge steps
3-5 knees-to-elbows
3-5 push presses
3-5 GHD back extensions
3-5 wall-ball shots
3-5 burpees
3-5 double-unders

For time:
50 box jumps (20/24 in)
50 jumping pull-ups
50 KB swings (12/16 kg)
50 walking-lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push presses (35/45 lb)
50 GHD back extensions
50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb)
50 burpees
50 double-unders

25:00 time CAP
For time:
50 box jumps (20/24 in)
50 jumping pull-ups
50 KB swings (12/16 kg)
50 walking-lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push presses (35/45 lb)
50 GHD back extensions
50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb)
50 burpees
50 double-unders

For time:
30 box jumps (12/20 in)
30 jumping pull-ups
30 KB swings (8/12 kg)
30 walking-lunge steps
30 hanging knee raises
30 push presses (35/45 lb)
30 good mornings
30 wall-ball shots (6/10 lb)
30 burpees
30 single-unders

Movement scaling options: 
Box jumps: Reps, step-ups
Jumping Pull-ups: Reps, height of the jump
KB swings: Reps, load
Walking-lunge steps: reps
Knees-to-elbows: Reps, hanging knee raises, sit-ups
Push presses: Reps, load
GHD back extensions: Reps, arch-ups
Wall-ball shots: Reps, load
Burpees: Reps
Double-unders: Reps, 1:00 of attempts, single-unders

Alternate Workout: 
For time:
50 jumps-to-target
50 bent-over rows
50 DB swings
50 walking-lunge steps
50 tuck-ups
50 DB push presses
50 Superman (arch-ups)
50 DB thrusters
50 burpees
50 double-unders

Cool down: 
1:00 sit and reach (right leg)
1:00 sit and reach (left leg)
1:00 sit and reach (straddle)