Tuesday August 16, 2022

“If no one thinks you can, then you have to.” -Anonymous

Warm Up: 
1 set:
200-m run
10 supinated grip scap shrugs
10 small kip swings
15 air squats

1 set:
200-m run
10 supinated grip scap shrugs
10 supinated grip knee raises
15 air squats

1 set:
200-m run
10 supinated grip scap shrugs
10 supinated grip knee-to-elbow
15 air squats

Skill Work: 
On a 10:00 clock:
Rope climb practice

5 rounds for reps:
400-m run
1:00 max burpee + push-up

Time Cap: 18 Min

Same as Rx

5 rounds for reps:
200-m run
1:00 max burpee + push-up

5 rounds for reps:
Run 200 meters
1:00 max burpee + push-ups

Movement scaling options: 
Run: Distance
Burpee + push-up: Burpee + knee push up

5 rounds for reps with a partner:
400-m run
1:00 max synchro burpee+push-up
– The run is completed together.
– The synchronization of the burpee push-up happens at the top of the rep. Both athletes must be fully extended at the top of the push-up at the same time. Athletes do not need to be in sync for the jump and clap portion of the movement or in the bottom of the rep.

Cool down: 
2 sets:
:30 double forearm stretch
:30 lacrosse ball pec mash/side