Sunday July 31, 2022

“Fitness is like marriage. You can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.” -Anonymous 

Warm Up: 
On an 6:00 clock:
:30 row
100-m jog
10 walking lunge steps for distance
3 elbow instep + hamstring stretch/side

immediately into…

1 set:
400-m run

Skill Work: 
3 sets:
:15 row (sprint pace)
– Rest :15

1 set:
500-m row

4 rounds for time:
400/500-m row
50 air squats
400-m run

Time Cap: 25 Min

Same as rx

4 rounds for time:
200/250-m row
25 air squats
200-m run

Home WOD:
4 rounds for time:
40 single-arm DB sumo-deadlift high pulls
50 air squats
400-m run

4 rounds for time:
50 walking lunge steps
50 air squats
400-m run

Movement scaling options: 
Row: distance, substitutions
Air squat: reps, range of motion, lunges
Run: distance, substitutions

Row substitutions: 400/500-m ski, 1,000/1,250-m air bike
Run substitutions: 800/1,000-m C2 bike

Partner option:
4 rounds for time:
400/500-m row
50 synchro air squats
400-m run
– Split the row and run evenly with one partner working while the other holds a wall-sit.

Cool down / Post-Workout Skill Work: 
2 sets:
:30 frog stretch
:30 couch stretch/leg