Saturday July 30, 2022

“It’s just you against you.” -Anonymous 

Warm Up: 
1 set:
30 jumping jacks
10 ATY raises
10 ring rows (use false grip)

1 set:
30 mountain climbers
10 up-downs
10 ring dips

1 set:
10 PVC pass-throughs
10 good mornings
10 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups

1 set:
2:00 muscle-up practice

Specific Warm-Up:
3 sets:
4 clean and jerk
4 muscle-ups
4 snatch

For time with a partner:
30 clean and jerks (95/135 lb)
30 muscle-ups
30 snatches
– One partner works while one rests. Partition the reps as needed.

Time Cap: 12 Minutes

For time with a partner:
30 clean and jerks (65/95 lb)
30 burpee pull-ups
30 snatches
– One partner works while one rests. Partition the reps as needed.

For time with a partner:
60 DB clean and jerks (10/15 lb)
60 jumping pull-ups
60 snatches
– One partner works while one rests. Partition the reps as needed.

Home WOD:

For time:
30 DB clean and jerks
15 wall walks
30 DB snatches
– Use two DBs if possible.

For time:
600-m weighted run
15 wall walks
600-m weighted run
– Run with a 20-30 lb object

Movement scaling options: 
Clean and jerk: Load, hang clean and jerk, power clean (only)
Muscle-up: Reps, jumping muscle-up, low-ring transition, burpee pull-up
Snatch: Load, hang snatch, power clean (overhead limitation)

Individual option:
For time:
30 clean and jerks (95/135 lb)
30 muscle-ups
30 snatches

Ring limitation option
Heat 1:
15 muscle-ups
30 clean and jerks (95/135 lb)
15 muscle-ups
30 snatches

Heat 2:
30 clean and jerks (95/135 lb)
15 muscle-ups
30 snatches
15 muscle-ups

Cool down: 
3 sets:
20 banded pull-aparts
:30 wrist extension stretch/arm