Saturday November 19, 2022

“Think positively and positive things will happen.” -Anonymous 

Warm Up: 
1 set:
100-m jog
10 leg swings (across the body)
10 single-leg KB deadlift
:30 plank hold

1 set:
100-m jog
10 jumping air squats
10 single-arm KB swings/arm (eye level)
:30 hollow hold

1 set:
100-m jog
10 KB swings (American swing)
:30 KB front rack hold

Skill Work: 
EMOM 10:
2 hang power or squat snatches

For time with a partner:
200 KB swings (53/70 lb)
-Resting partner holds a single KB in the front rack (35/53 lb)

Time Cap: 16 Minutes

For time with a partner:
200 KB swings (35/53 lb)
– Resting partner holds a single KB in the front rack (26/35 lb).

For time with a partner:
100 KB swings (18/26 lb)
– Resting partner holds a single KB in the front rack (18/26 lb).

For time with a partner:
200 alternating DB hang snatches
– Resting partner holds a single DB in the front rack.

For time with a partner:
200 burpees
– Resting partner holds a plank.

Movement scaling options:
KB swings: Load, Russian swings, KB deadlift
KB front squat: Load, DB front rack hold, farmer hold

Individual option:
5 rounds for time:
20 KB swings (53/70 lb)
1:00 KB front rack hold

Cool Down:
1 set:
400-m walk
:45 scorpion stretch/side