Warm Up:
:20 double-unders or single-unders
10 alternating Samson stretch
10 double knee tucks in a plank
10 air squats
Specific Warm-Up:
3 sets:
1:00 row
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
3 rounds for time:
35/50-cal. row
150 double-unders
50 walking lunges
Time Cap: 22 Minutes
3 rounds for time:
25/35-cal. row
1:30 double-unders
50 walking lunges
3 rounds for time:
15/21-cal. row
150 single-unders
50 walking lunges
Movement scaling options:
Row: 30/40-cal. Assault bike, 35/50-cal. C2 bike, 35/50-cal. ski, 400-m run.
Double-unders: Reps, 150 single-unders, 75 plate hops.
Walking lunges: Reps, range of motion, air squats.
Partner option:
3 rounds for time:
50/70-cal. row
200 double-unders
70 synchronize walking lunges
– One partner working at a time during the row and double-unders.
Cool down:
1:00 lacrosse ball foot roll/foot